Types of Yoga exercises and their mechanisms of influence
Last Updated: November 23, 2024Bandha «Bandha» is a Sanskrit word for a «lock», which characterises the meaning and mechanism of its influence. Bandhas block certain energy flows and liquids transference related to them, that is why most often bandhas are done in those exercises that change corporal pressure. In classic yoga there are three main bandhas: Jalandhara Bandha, Uddiyana...
Last Updated: November 23, 2024Kriya «Kriya» is a Sanskrit word for «action», that is why lately it is used for many dynamic yoga practices, but in reality kriya is an exercise, that makes a dynamic impact, actually, a viscera massage. Kriya is a «know-how» of yoga — in other systems of physical culture there’s nothing of this kind....
Last Updated: November 23, 2024Mudra Mudras are usually understood as a certain gesture. This under-standing is formed under the influence of Buddhist tradition, where hand gestures were widely used. But strictly speaking, in classic yoga the term «mudra» is much wider: it can be performed with entire body, like the already mentioned yoga mudra, shaktichelani mudra and others, although...
Vibration techniques (Mantras)
Last Updated: November 23, 2024Mantra One of the most ancient techniques in human’s history is repeating of mantras — certain sound combinations, resonance with particular parts of our brain and body. According to modern studies of neuro-psychologists, practice of mudras really changes relative amplitudes of brain rhythms, providing altered states of consciousness. They should not be confused with prayers...
Meditative practices in Yoga
Last Updated: November 23, 2024Psychological aspect Methods of meditations aim at mastering psyche functions by concentrating attention (passive meditation) or will (active meditation). Not only methods, but the ways to meditate are so different, not to mention that by «meditation» we often understand absolutely different processes, so let’s try to define a typology of meditations basing on the method...
Last Updated: November 23, 2024Pranayamas¹ प्राणायामः [prāṇāyāmaḥ] – breath control प्राण [prāṇa] – breath आयाम [āyāma] – control Human breath is a process controlled by both the brain and the con-sciousness. Breath is a «bridge» between our biological and spiritual nature. The way we breathe, our particularities, depth, the muscles we use, directly relate with our consciousness....
Last Updated: November 23, 2024In yoga there are following types of exercises: asanas, pranayamas, bandhas, mudras, kriyas, mantras and meditation techniques. Patanjali defines asana as a «comfortable and pleasant posture». Some modern practitioners might think, this definition is a mocking. Indeed some yoga positions demand considerable agility, force, stretching and can hardly be called «comfortable and pleasant». Such...