
Contemporary yoga books

yoga the history of ideas and views book

Yoga: History of Ideas and Views

Аndriy Safronov.
Йога, биоенергетика и биомеханика

Yoga: Physiology, Psychosomatics, Bioenergetics

Andriy Safronov

ukr ru  fr

Roots-of-yoga. корни йоги

Roots of Yoga

Mallinson, Sir James, Singleton, Mark
Yoga in Transformation Karl Baier, Philipp A. Maas, Karin Preisendanz.

Yoga in Transformation

Karl Baier, Philipp A. Maas, Karin Preisendanz.

Yoga Body: The Origins of Modern Posture Practice:

Singleton, Mark
Psycho-practices in Mystical Traditions from the Antiquity to the Present

Psycho-practices in Mystical Traditions from the Antiquity to the Present

Andriy Safronov

Yoga Patta: Wall Rope Yoga Technique Tutorial

Dmitry Danilov
yogic sukshma vyayama dhirendra brahmachari

Yogic Sukshma Vyayama

Dhirendra Brahmachari
yoga personal hygiene shri yogendra

Yoga Personal Hygiene

Shri Yogendra
Yoga Makaranda | The nektar of yoga

Yoga Makaranda or Yoga Saram

Sri T. Krishnamacharya
Свет йоги
Б. К. С. Айенгар

Light on Yoga

B.K.S. Iyengar
Raja Yoga Vivekananda

Raja Yoga

Swami Vivekananda
Вини-йога Десикачар

The Viniyoga of Yoga

TKV Desikachar

“The Viniyoga of Yoga” by Desikachara is a book about yoga asanas. More precisely, that asanas can be performed not only by strong and flexible people. This book describes a gradual approach to asana and talks about which asanas will be useful for certain diseases.

Anatomy Trains Tomas Myers

Anatomy Trains

Thomas Myers

Anatomy Trains is a book primarily about anatomy.

In his study of man, the author came to the description of muscle sequences in the human body, correlated with the idea of channels in yoga.

Thomas Myers suggests developing these muscle chains through yoga asanas.

For yoga beginners, the book will be useful both for studying the anatomy of the body and for understanding the mechanism of asanas.

Our posts about yoga

About Love

I have had the good fortune to give, grant and follow love without ever regretting the consequences. Not only for me, but also for my

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yoga philosophy філософія йоги

Slow and cursory reading

A person who has read the first sentence in a new language feels like overcoming a mountain. A person scrolling through Instagram feels the ease

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Life or a road trip?

When we set out on a journey, we choose a direction. Guided by our deep desires, we fuel up with energy to fulfill them. Then

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