
part 1: Aryan and Dravidian cultures

part 2: Vedas

part 3 Katha Upanishada

part 4: Shvetashvatara and Taittiria Upanishads

part 5 New Teachings of the Axial Age

part 6: New Teachings of the Axial Age

part 7: Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

part 8 Inception of tantra

part 9 Nathas

part 10 Medieval spread of Indian Culture and Yoga

part 11 Way west: Colonization and Orientalists

part 12 Way west: Charm of the Secret Theosophy

part 13 Way west: Vivekananda and European Intellectuals

part 14 Renaissance of Hatha Yoga and Sri Krishnamacharya

part 15 Way west: BKS Iyengar

part 16 Pattabhi Joyce

part 17: Swami Sivananda

part 18: Shri Yogendra

part 19: Dhirendra Brahmacari

part 20: Not only hatha

Russian Empire, Ramacharaka, Sedir, Tibet

Romantic 60s (Brezhnev, Zhukov, Ivan Iefremov)

Russian Empire, Ramacharaka, Sedir, Tibet

Brahmachari and classics of Soviet Yoga

Legends of Soviet Yoga

Liberal trends of 90s-00s

Global trends of modern yoga