українська федерація йоги
Zinal 2024

Congress In Zinal

The European Union Of Yoga annually holds the International Yoga Congress in the beautiful Swiss Alps, in the resort town of Zinal. The Congress has been held since 1972 and currently brings together participants — researchers and yoga practitioners — from 24 countries.

Yoga teachers from different countries conduct classes and lectures, presenting the results of their yoga research. The congress is a space for communication and exchange of experience among yoga practitioners: joint lunches, group discussions and round tables with teachers.

Each year, the theme of the congress is announced, which determines the topics of lectures and workshops.

ZINAL 2024: Prana, the force of life

Prana is the life force which animates all living beings.

In the beautiful setting of the Anniviers Valley, the 2024 Zinal congress will explore different ways of working with prana.

The lecture program includes 13 researchers and yoga teachers from around the world. Among them is Iryna Sikorska, an instructor at the Ukrainian Federation of Yoga. 

Timing: 18-23 August 2024

Address: Zinal, Val d’Anniviers, Switzerland

Site: congress-in-zinal-2024

інструктор йоги Ірина Сікорська

Iryna Sikorska

Instructor of the Ukrainian Federation of Yoga in Geneva, Switzerland

Gallery of photos from previous years' congress