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Sandhaana Yoga

Sandhaana yoga — is a contemporary dynamic style of Hatha yoga. It is a series of complete complexes aimed at working on different zones of chakra projections on the body.

Sandhaana yoga complexes are a sequence of vinyasas and other hatha yoga exercises inscribed between them.

Sandhaana yoga adapts the practice of hatha yoga to the rhythm of modern society.

Complex 1

aimed at working out the projection zone of the Manipura chakra

Complex 2

aimed at working out the projection zone of the Anahata chakra


olexiy savenko yoga. Алексей Савенко
UFY instructor, head of the Abhaya School of Strength Training, yoga practitioner with 20 years of experience
Инструктор йоги Алена Ахрамеева
Founder and director of the Ukrainian Institute of Yoga and Yogatherapy, yoga practitioner with 15 years of experience
Инструктор йоги Наталья Кравец
Involved expert is a yoga therapist, author of yoginesis (conscious movement), head of the Vriddhi yoga direction


Инструктор йоги Галина Хэнсон
Ukraine, Kyiv
Инструктор йоги Яна Лев
Israel, Bat Yam
Инструктор йоги Людмила Синенко
France, Paris
Инструктор йоги Тятьяна Баранович
France, Le Mans