
Federation of Yoga

courses according to the program of the Ukrainian Federation of Yoga in English

posts and lectures on yoga exercises – on asanas that improve the body,
on pranayams that control the breath and inner spirit, meditations that control consciousness and attention

books by modern yoga scholars and other mystical traditions (such as Kashmir Shaivism, Buddhism, Tantra)

yoga the history of ideas and views book

Yoga: History of Ideas and Views

Аndriy Safronov.
Yoga: Physiology, Psychosomatics, Bioenergetics cover

Yoga: Physiology, Psychosomatics, Bioenergetics

Andriy Safronov

ukr ru  fr

Roots-of-yoga- корни йоги

Roots of Yoga

Mallinson, Sir James, Singleton, Mark
Yoga Makaranda | The nektar of yoga

Yoga Makaranda or Yoga Saram

Sri T. Krishnamacharya

theory of yoga in the language of modern practitioners

Play Video about history of yoga video cover
Play Video about Emotions, desire and sexuality in classical Yoga video cover

detailed description of yoga asanas, sandhaana yoga, natya yoga, pregnancy yoga, partner yoga

Play Video about выполнение бхуджангасани/ виконання бхуджангасани/ bhujangasana video
Play Video about sandhaana yoga 2.14-15
Play Video about natya-yoga yoga for dancers/ йога для танцюрістів натья-йога/ натья-йога для танцоров

original sources of yoga in Sanskrit

першоджерела йоги/ первоисточники йоги

Bhagavad Gita

першоджерела йоги/ первоисточники йоги

Yoga Sutra Patanjali

першоджерела йоги/ первоисточники йоги

Hatha Yoga Pradipika Jyotsna

першоджерела йоги/ первоисточники йоги

Katha Upanishad

першоджерела йоги/ первоисточники йоги

Vijñāna Bhairava Tantra

105 meditations of yoga
Europion Union of Yoga EUY

Our posts about yoga

інструкторка йоги Тетяна Приходько

About Love

I have had the good fortune to give, grant and follow love without ever regretting the consequences. Not only for me, but also for my

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yoga philosophy філософія йоги

Slow and cursory reading

A person who has read the first sentence in a new language feels like overcoming a mountain. A person scrolling through Instagram feels the ease

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Life or a road trip?

When we set out on a journey, we choose a direction. Guided by our deep desires, we fuel up with energy to fulfill them. Then

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Telegram Сhannels

thematic channels on various aspects of yoga

yoga studios’ channels