Kriya #
«Kriya» is a Sanskrit word for «action», that is why lately it is used for many dynamic yoga practices, but in reality kriya is an exercise, that makes a dynamic impact, actually, a viscera massage. Kriya is a «know-how» of yoga — in other systems of physical culture there’s nothing of this kind. Among kriya techniques are: Uddiyana Bandha Kriya, Nauli Kriya. Kriyas are also cleansing techniques, which have to do with niyama. They are aimed to clean our body from harmful substances. A special attention is drawn to cleansing of digestive tract, blood and other systems.
There are six types of cleansings:
• Netî,
• Dhautî,
• Naulî,
• Basti,
• Kapâlabhâtî,
• Trâtaka.
Every type has its procedures and cleansing techniques. Principles of action of these exercises are in most cases obvious.