A collection of slides as well as commentaries on Zhud-shi and the illustrations.
A collection of tantric images of Vajrayana Buddhism.
One of the illustrations below depicts Dignaga.
Dignaga is a real person. A thinker of the 5th or 6th century. One of the founders of Buddhist logic called ‘tsema'. Dignaga mastered the art of winning public philosophical debates.
He is the author of the text Pramana-samuchchaya, a collection of sources of authentic knowledge. In his book, he reflects on complex phenomena such as perception (pratyaksha) (e.g., when we look at smoke in the distance and notice "I see smoke") and logical inference (anumana) ("If I see a smoke there, there must be a fire"). Dignaga also reflected on intuitive self-cognition - yoga pratyaksha, yogic perception.